Meet the Big Bad Ally Kat, according to Kerrie!! Yes, he is my father and one of my best friends. Him and I are two of a kind. My mom always says I am my father's daughter, and I am finally beginning to understand why she says such a thing. He makes me laugh, constantly, he is always willing to help, even when I don't ask for it, he is fun. He trys to put off a big biker man front, but in reality he is a HUGE teddy bear!!
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January of this year, and I was very very scared for him and for the unknown. I had not dealt with anyone really close to me being sick. I didn't know what was going to happen. He underwent surgery in April, which once again, in my life I have never experienced either of my parents having a major surgery. The surgery went according to plan, and the doctor assured us he had gotten all the cancer. It was the weeks to come that prove to be most difficult.
I have always thought of my dad as the tough one in the family, I mean he is my dad, he is suppose to be strong and nothing is suppose to bring him down. Recovery was very challenging for him, but also for our whole family. I wanted so bad to be able to take six weeks off of work and concentrate on taking care of him and making sure he was getting everything he needed/wanted. We all know that was not possible. So, I bought him different things to make the time pass while he was at home. I bought him oil paints and canvases, movies, and brought movies I had for him to watch. Not important, he didn't use any of it :) Which is fine with me, as long as he was content.
Now the reason for my post, he has been having trouble with his leg ever since he had surgery. He has been back to the doctor twice since surgery for his follow-up tests, and they say everything is looking very good, as far as his blood tests are. He mentioned his leg to the doctor and was told that it was normal. The doctor said during surgery he was stretched out on the table, and the muscles were just adjusting back to normal. I was at my parents' house yesterday, and my dad was having a horrible time with his leg. He said he tried bowling last week during his league and about fell on his face, which I know was very embarrassing for him. Now he is kind of down in the dumps and wants to quit bowling and is just getting very frustrated with his leg not feeling normal. I am praying that the doctor was right and that his muscles are still trying to get back to normal. It's been alomst 7 months since surgery, so one would think it would not be too much longer.
I want him to get back to the things he enjoyed, and bowling was one of them. I don't want him to quit because I truely believe that everyone should get out and have fun which is exactly what he does when he is bowling!! Please keep him in your thoughts...
Yes he totally loves the shirt I made for him...when I was 22 years old...
There is my Big Bad Ally Kat!!
Have you done any research of other people that had had the surgery to see if they have leg pain? 7 mo. seems like a long time to have that kind of pain.
Check on it. Google it.
That post made me sad...I mean, he is such an awesome guy!!
I hope he gets better and the pain goes away. I would do some research on other cases though and see if this is normal for "other" people that have had the same surgery.
It's worth checking into.
Hey lady. Sorry to hear it has been a longer recovery than expected. Your dad is one super nice guy and I hope that this goes away for him soon!!
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